First impressions can last a lifetime. Nowadays, your brand must make a good first impression digitally. Marketing strategies have changed significantly throughout the decades. Why? Americans spend half of their day, typically more than 12 hours every day, interacting with media devices and immersed in technology. These devices can range from television, internet, desktop, radio, laptops and any connected devices. What does this mean for your business and its brand? You have to invest significant time, energy and a healthy amount of money into your branding with digital marketing.
Location, Location, Location
The location of your business matters. You want to be near your target demographic and make it simple for them to find you. The same goes for the digital sphere. You need to have a digital presence – period. There’s no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it. This is a necessity for any and all businesses today. Your branding with digital marketing has to be easy to find for your target audience. Having no digital presence results in a near-zero change of prospects locating you.
Utilizing social media not only allows your audience to find you effortlessly, but also gives you the opportunity to engage with them remotely. A strong branding with digital marketing endeavors accomplishes more than you may realize.
Building Connection & Trust From Branding With Digital Marketing
People spend a majority of their waking hours on digital devices and use some of those hours engaging with their favorite brands. Consumers want to connect with the brands that they support. This means that your branding with digital marketing will connect more people to your brand and build trust with your consumers if you pour out consistent content as well as engage with that content after publishing. The more content you publish, the more trust you build. The more you engage with your content and consumers, the more connected your consumers will feel with your brand. According to a Harvard study, 78% of consumers trust brands that build and provide original and relevant content.
Having “shared values” pay in dividends in your branding with digital marketing. Consumers will trust that a brand solely provides accurate information with their digital presence. They also believe that their beloved, trusted brand follows through on what they say digitally. In a study by Harvard, the results found that shared values were the main reason consumers follow a brand 64% of the time; whereas almost 54% of people do not trust ads, infomercials or commercials of brands they aren’t already aware of or know.
Your branding with digital marketing efforts increases your company’s digital visibility over 400%. That number is astounding! At Dorian Solutions, we believe in bringing your brand to life through digital marketing. Call us today to find out more information about our services!